The kids are still crazy about him. They both have to hold him at least once a day. They are both a great help when I need someone to make him happy for a minute or throw away a diaper or just get me something because I seem to be tied to the couch permanently.
Grayson is a great baby. That is, if you are someone who doesn't need much sleep. He will only sleep for an hour or two at a time at night, and many times it will take him awhile to fall back to sleep. A three hour block of sleep sounds amazing to me right now! Grayson loves to lay on a blanket on the floor and just look around. He will be happy doing that for 45 minutes! He isn't crazy about the swing or the carseat. I just love him so much already.
Speaking of sleep depravation, the other night was a rough one. I had been up with him for 2 hours, and every time I thought he was asleep he would wake up 5 minutes later. It was very frustrating, and I was so tired. I fed him, then put him to my shoulder to burp him and I fell asleep. The next thing I know he wasn't in my arms anymore. He was on the bed and quickly sliding to the floor. Luckily the pack and play is right next to the bed and slowed him down so I was able to catch him. It did scare me to death though. Grayson was unfazed, fast asleep. That is, until I put him down a minute later. Sigh.
Here are some pictures. They are in chronological order, just how I like them.
Praying he will survive living in this household