I heard that someone out there (you know who you are) was complaining that they were tired of seeing Mackenzie's markered face on my blog and I needed to add something new. Somehow more than a month has gone by and I've posted nothing. But I do have a reason for that.
I am tired of complaining.
That is all I think about, complaints. Right now, my complaint is a lovely pain in my ribcage. I feel guilty about complaining. It is only the time of year that we should be thinking of all we are thankful for and should be joyful and happy. But I don't feel very thankful or joyful or happy. I should, because in the grand sceme of things I am very blessed and have very few real concerns of life. But it's hard when you feel fat and uncomfortable and know that there is 3 more months of fatness and uncomfortableness.
So since all I think about is complaints, it is also all I would write about. Does anyone really want to hear all of my complaints? And do I really want to go back and read all of my annoying complaints? Not really.
I have never enjoyed being pregnant before, but this time has been harder. Maybe because I am older, or maybe because I have a 3 year old who still wants to be carried around, but I am not enjoying the pain. Good thing at the end of all this I will have a baby to hold and love.