Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Still Alive

I am a lazy slacker with lots of excuses, one of them being I have 3 children at home all the time now! But I have been wanting to share pictures of Grayson. He is growing so much and has seriously captured my heart. He is about 10 days shy of being 4 months old (no! time needs to stop!). He is content most of the time, and crying usually just happens because of hunger or being tired. He could be a better sleeper at night, but at least I can handle lack of sleep.Enjoy some pictures of the last 6 weeks of Grayson!

This is how we get around! (I can tell this is before the humidity came because of Mackenzie's hair!)

Reading time!

Three months old. He loves his burp cloths as blankies!

All decked out for church

First time swimming for the summer!


Marie said...

Oh, they are all getting so big! Thanks for sharing your pictures. I am sure that you are very busy, but I LOVE seeing what you have been up to.

Melissa@thebblog said...

Ah, sweet, sweet, babies - all three of them. (Don't tell B, I lumped him in the babies. . .!)

I'm so glad you posted some pictures. I hope you guys are all doing well, looks like everyone is healthy and happy - of course we didn't see pictures of the parents . . .

Denae said...

That kid is so cute it's ridiculous! Man I wish I didn't have my own so that I could just be the doting aunt that wants to pretend he is hers. I love the top picture of the kids. So cute.