I am a lazy slacker with lots of excuses, one of them being I have 3 children at home all the time now! But I have been wanting to share pictures of Grayson. He is growing so much and has seriously captured my heart. He is about 10 days shy of being 4 months old (no! time needs to stop!). He is content most of the time, and crying usually just happens because of hunger or being tired. He could be a better sleeper at night, but at least I can handle lack of sleep.Enjoy some pictures of the last 6 weeks of Grayson!
Oh, they are all getting so big! Thanks for sharing your pictures. I am sure that you are very busy, but I LOVE seeing what you have been up to.
Ah, sweet, sweet, babies - all three of them. (Don't tell B, I lumped him in the babies. . .!)
I'm so glad you posted some pictures. I hope you guys are all doing well, looks like everyone is healthy and happy - of course we didn't see pictures of the parents . . .
That kid is so cute it's ridiculous! Man I wish I didn't have my own so that I could just be the doting aunt that wants to pretend he is hers. I love the top picture of the kids. So cute.
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