Sunday, November 2, 2008

I Feel BAD!

My husband and I are going to Las Vegas for the week. My mom was nice enough to fly in to watch the kids for us. But I am now thinking twice about going. Bailey isn't feeling well. I know, he is old enought to fake me out on being sick, but I know that he isn't feeling good. It's just probably a cold, but still. What if Mackenzie gets sick too? What if something worse happens? I know I can't just stay home forever because something bad might happen to my kids, but I can't help but worry.

Am I alone in worrying about this?


Unknown said...

Go Go Go!

Think of the situation positively: Kids are apt to get sick many many times during childhood. Let your mom take care of it, she's had twice as much experience and kids love to be babied and cared for by grandma. You going to Vegas gives you a break and it also gives your kids and your mom much needed time to spend together. You will always worry about your kids (you're a mom!) so remember it's natural. You and your hubby deserve this time together!!!

carrie said...

I agree, go and have fun. but if it were me I would feel the same anxiety. I took Lydia to Greece with us when she was just a year old I just couldn't leave her behind. And it's not that I didn't trust my family to watch her, I'm just a control freak and I like to do everything myself. But don't let it ruin your time, because your going to go and leave the kids so worrying wont help :)

Melissa@thebblog said...

Hopefully, the novelty of having grandma there for a visit will help all the kids feel a bit better even if they are not totally up to par. You and hubby deserve a break! I'm sure it must be hard to leave them behind though-try not to think too much about it.

Halloween pictures?

Melissa Martin said...

You deserve the time for yourself. They'll probably have a great time with Grandma. Enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Okay, if I call your mom tomorrow & find out you are still here I am going to be an very angry SIL!!!!

One Hot Single Mama said...

GO! Enjoy your time away...grandma can handle the kiddos...even if they are both sick! I hope Bailey feels better...and you better go and have fun!! Win lots of $$!!