Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Not Again!!!

Mackenzie seems to have a stomach virus. AGAIN. Didn't we just go through this last week? It is almost like deja vu. Exept this time she seems fine for the most part. Happy and playful. So I just don't know. This morning she somehow got herself covered from head to toe in regurgitated milk. Nice, I know. I almost took a picture of it, because it was quite a feat, but I refrained.

At least she is sleeping all night and taking long naps!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh ha ha! The secrets! Samantha DOES have a blog! I won't tell anyone. Especially not family!
Thanks for the post. I was very, very happy about it.
This is so weird about Mackenzie. She really was acting fine yesterday too. I wonder what's up. Congrats on her sleeping all night!
Perhaps I shouldn't give her a cheers for eating so much when it now appears she has instead developed an eating disorder!

Anonymous said...

p.s. where are the pictures??? What's the point in having cute kids if noone sees them???