Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Target Practice

I took my much anticipated trip to Target yesterday. All by myself! And I came home highly disappointed. See, I have really tried hard lately to save money, and isn't it even better if someone pays you to use their product? At Target this week they have Pop Tarts, Cheez-its, Keebler cookies, and Rice Crispy treats on sale 4 for $9. When you buy 4, they give you a $5 Target gift card (who doesn't love a Target gift card? If you don't, you can send any you receive to me, OK?). That makes the deal in essence 4 for $4, which is pretty good if you ask me. But I have coupons!! I had $1 off 2 rice crispy treats, $1 off 2 keebler cookies, and $1 off 2 pop tarts. With those coupons it would make the deal 4 for $1. Good deal, right? Well, I could make it even better! All those products are Kellogg's products and they are offering a $10 mail in rebate when you buy 10 Kellogg's products. And to make this great deal even better is I found Target coupons online for 50 cents off pop tarts. I had it figured out to where I was going to make money and take home 12 boxes of assorted junky treats.

I was excited for my great deal. I even printed out a couple of other Target coupons. I go to the store, happy that I could devote my full attention to my shopping. I loaded up my cart with more pop tarts than anyone should own in their lifetime, but they were more than free so I couldn't resist. I have a super nice girl checking me out. She even asks me if I have any coupons. I hand her my huge stack of coupons and guess what she says? "We do not accept any internet coupons, including Target coupons." What?!?! I wasted all that time on the Target website searching for coupons, printing them out and I can't even use them? The nice girl tells me that it has to do with them not paying taxes on the coupons or something that sounded lame to me. I couldn't fault the girl, she was friendly and in fact didn't like the policy either.

I came home, not very happy. My hopes of a moneymaking deal was dashed. But my kids can build a fort out of pop tart boxes. I did write an email to Target. I can understand if they do not want to accept internet coupons, but they should at least accept their own internet coupons! In fact I used their internet coupons just last week.

This is a brand new Target less than 2 miles from my house. I think I will go back to my old Target, which is also less than 2 miles from my house. In fact, they are both almost the same distance from my house. Hopefully the old Target accepts their own internet coupons.


Unknown said...

The Target by my house stopped accepting their own coupons from the internet too saying there were too many cases of fradulent coupons. Soooo maybe they should stop MAKING these coupons then?

Unknown said...

I am PROUD of you for figuring out such a great deal---been there done that on different things and gotten screwed over--at this point all I have been doing is the Free after Rebate at Walgreens---they have some cool stuff this month too---I spent like 50 but will get back like 45! It was pretty cool---haven't had time to do all the figuring like I used to---I figure I probably break even now that I no longer do my deals and work instead----and don't make squat---do I pay for socialization? Things that make you go mmmhhh???

Samantha said...

Misty, I agree!!!

Melanie, in a few days I am going to have a Walgreens post! Wait for it!

Melissa@thebblog said...

what the heck? Why post internet coupons if you can't use them? How dumb. I am always saddened to hear of a bad Target experience. They just shouldn't happen!